We humans are all alike, we feel the same feeling when we are in love. But, for men and women the journey of being in love is entirely different. When women fall in love, they feel happy and loved which shows in their behavior whereas, when men fall in love they hardly comprehend. They are bit shy in letting their feelings known.
Women experience intense upsurge of affection as soon as they meet a guy but men feel something completely different when they meet women. The post is to show you the different phases of a man that goes through before he comes to love a woman.
I Like You Phase
Men are shallow creatures; their initial stage is all about physical attraction. Some women may fall in love in their first conversation but sadly that is where their relationship has gone sour. In the starting phase, men are only attracted by the women’s physical attribute. Period!!
The Scouting Phase
Men try to date as many women as they can – this scouting phase comes naturally to them. Guys like lots of girls for many reasons and they will scout and see which of them responds. Men don’t bother even if their “likeable” girl hasn’t responded as there is hardly any sort of bonding between them.
And The Chase Begins
No we are not talking about some James Bond movie here. This is the 3rdphase after what you say the-scouting-process-ends. Women who have given a slightest response to their advances, men will start the chase. Wooing women comes naturally to them. The chase is all about winning the attention. Once it is clear that women have given enough attention by agreeing to go out on date, men moves on to the next phase.
I Am Going To Impress You Phase
Going out on 2-3 dates, women surely have determined whether it is sensible to move to the next level in the relationship whereas men are not even close. This entire phase of impressing women is to show that they are worthy male. In this stage, the men will stretch themselves an extra mile for their partner like flooding them with gifts, sending flowers, sending sweet text messages, planning a candle light dinner and all.
I Want You To Love Me First Phase
Now that your man have succeeded in dating, and making an impression what he expects to know that whether you do have the similar “love” feeling or not. To commit and love him back is what any guy looks forward to. Men always worry about how to make women fall in love with them and this is the toughest part. They are pretty insecure species.
The Final Decision Time Phase – I Love You Phase
This is where your guy comes to know about his own feelings towards you. It is more than liking but hasn’t reached that known lovey-dovey feeling. Well, men takes time in knowing and differentiating between like and love. And, when that feeling hits their gut there is no turning back from it. If he decides that he wants to give love a try, than it is a clear sign that he is READY to make a commitment to you.
This is how men fall in love. If you want to turn a man on his head, don’t be responsive to his advances, don’t say those 3 magical words when he wants to say it , rather turn his world upside down and then you see the magic happen – you will see a man helplessly falling in love with you.