These days, when you look at a picture, you can never be too sure if it’s the real deal or if the Photoshop wand worked its magic on it. We can assure you, however, that the following absolutely unbelievable photos fall into the former category, and no doubt about it. Sit back, and have your mind blown!
1. This image has a moonbow, a waterfall, a meteor, and the Milky Way all in one frame.
This image is taken by Thierry Legault at Wallaman Falls, situated between Townsville and Cairns in North Queensland. Breathtaking!
2. The World’s Highest Tennis Court!
The fourth highest hotel in the world – Burj al-Arab at Dubai, houses the world’s highest tennis court.
3. This, despite what you may believe, is actually the drape over a construction site.
We know this looks photoshopped, but the truth is that what you see in the picture above is actually a life-size photographic work that was based on a building in Paris, and later printed on canvas and enhanced with bas-relief, and was used to cover the renovation of a Haussmannian building in 2007. The project, called “39GeorgeV” is an urban surrealist manifesto.
4. A headless horse… wait, what?
5. This picture by French photographer Philippe Ramette.
Philippe Ramette is a French conceptual artist who is famous for toying with viewers’ minds through his photographs, and is known for his gravity-defying pictures, an example of which you can see above.plays with the viewer’s mind. Blows you away, doesn’t it?
6. Make-up + hair-dye = “Desaturated Santa”.
7. The San Cruise Hotel in South Korea.
This 30,000-ton hotel (ship?) has six restaurants, a gym, swimming pools filled with sea water and a covered golf range that lets guests tee off into a magical ocean view.
8. The eruption of the Cordon Caulle volcano.
This picture was taken by National Geographic photographer Rival Cortez from the Antillanca Mountain.
9. Brutus, this 800lb grizzly bear, likes to eat his meals at the dinner table.
Belonging to naturalist Casey Anderson who adopted and raised him, Brutus is a 58-stone grizzly bear. The pair is so close that when Anderson got married to actress Missi Pyle, Brutus was the Best Man.
10. The Haus in Schwarz, translating to ‘House in Black’ in German.
In case you were wondering, the house wasn’t always black: it was painted black to bid farewell to the building, which has since been demolished. Earlier used as a canvas by street artists, the black exterior was put up to symbolise the impending end of this structure.
11. Contrary to what many may believe, this is actually a single photograph.
You probably don’t believe us, but it remains a fact nevertheless: this colorful mosaic, created by photographer Bela Borsodi is, in fact, a single photograph.
12. This is Glass Gem Corn.Yes, corn.
This developed by a Native-American farmer who observed that a cob showed unusual coloring shining through at times. He developed that concept, and voila! We have the Glass Gem Corn!
13. Venus, the two-faced cat.
It’s all in the genes, my friend. Venus’s rare, dual tone has even scientists fumbling for an explanation!
14. This isn’t a man looking for an interesting way to die: it’s actually a stunt being carried out on a boat. Don’t worry; it’s meant to be on its side like that.
This picture shows Alex Thomson performing what he calls the ‘keel walk’ – a stunt made famous in the sailing world thanks to this picture.
15. This is an art installation in New Zealand.
This wonderful work of art, located in New Zealand on “The Farm” is the genius creation of Neil Dawson, who named it “Horizons”.
16. Diving Horse at the Steel Pier in Atlantic City.
The Diving Horse at the Steel Pier in Atlantic City, NJ was something of a major attraction back in the ’50s through to the ’70s, and basically involved a horse diving into a pool from heights of up to 60 feet, with a pretty young woman in swimming attire seated atop it.